Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Problem is Us... And A Possible Solution

Roger Goodell is not the problem. Ray Rice isn't the problem. Greg Hardy and Ray McDonald are not the problems. The problem is us. You. Me. Woman or man; black, white or other.

We stand on our soapbox and demand change. We donate to domestic violence centers and Traumatic Brain Injury victims. We hashtag the crap out of every important, heart-wrenching catchphrase. We open ourselves up with our stories and share with strangers our struggles. Obviously, these are all helpful and meaningful steps, but they don't solve the problem. Every single person who does this - then turns on their Sunday Ticket package (or Thursday Night/Monday Night Football), sets their fantasy lineup, calls in their bets, purchases their jersey and their next home game ticket - is the problem.

When Donald Sterling's already-known-to-be-bigoted voice was heard spewing the vile many NBA people (and most residents who ever lived in his tenements) were already aware of, hundreds of season-ticket holders called the Clippers prepared to cancel their season tickets. Dozens of players league-wide and specifically on the Clippers openly discussed boycotting the games. The swift change did not occur because of social media or because of loud voices on your TV. Change occurred because millions of dollars were at risk. It is time to put the NFL's BILLIONS of dollars at risk. 

The NFL has many major problems right now. Many of them cannot be fixed easily, but one of the things that can be fixed is to make sure that if you are accused of domestic violence, you do not step on the field again unless you are FULLY exonerated. Not acquitted, not "charges dropped" by a terrified spouse. Exonerated. If you are found to be totally innocent, you can receive your back-pay & welcomed back on the field. If you are not, goodbye football. Just because you are one of the best in the world at something does not guarantee you the privilege of getting rich from that ability.

If you are incapable of controlling your emotions and your temper around the people you love NOW - how will you be able to do that with the inevitable CTE and other mind-altering brain injuries you suffer from years of football?

It will not be easy, it may not even be legal, but then again the NFL itself shouldn't be legal but has anti-trust and tax-free exemptions. What's one more rule that doesn't apply to the rest of America?

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